The official application of Kura Sushi. Member registration and login are required for use.
Is a class sushi official Concerning Copyrights.
■ registration easy and free! Time specified reservation is convenient!
■ anytime, anywhere booking!
■ 15 日 be booked from the front!
The other, I say may not line up at the shop.
You can specify time reservation saddle sushi by which the membership registration and login.
If you go to from reserves to the store, you can eat sushi without waiting for a long time.
EPARK those of members, you can log in with registered e-mail address and password from the login screen.
The EPARK who is not a member, you can be a new member registration from within the app.
After performing member registration, let's immediately login.
After logging in, tap to "Shop Search" from the menu screen,
Please search to reserve a much sushi of stores reserved.
If you register the well to go shop You easily reservation after the next time.
Also you can confirm campaigns and information of new products